Thursday, June 14, 2012

Getting Ready for Bath Time

I know I'm biased as his mom and all but gosh I want to eat him up! His tummy cracks me up. 

Here he looks like he knows he's heading for the water and is just stretching out before he does some laps in the pool. 

Speaking of water, I'm happy to report that he is taking bath time in stride these days. Yesterday, while I was bathing him, he actually yawned. That's quite an improvement from the squeaking and whining and all out crying we were getting when we first started giving baths. Way to go Ollie. I like to think that my singing of "Baby Beluga" also helps. Not sure it does but what kid doesn't love a little Raffi at bath time? 

1 comment:

  1. just beautiful photo...aren't we lucky to live in an age where we have such a wonderful record?? (and can share it!)
    Glad you're OK - thanks for popping over!
    love fee x
