Friday, September 7, 2012

A Little Photo Shoot

A few weeks ago, a very kind friend of ours, who is starting a photography business, asked if she could do a little photo shoot with Oliver as a baby gift. The photos turned out just beautifully. Thank you Ginny! 
p.s. Ollie wouldn't really smile for any of them (of course!) that silly goose. 


  1. I kind love that he isn't smiling. Ollie is so hip- he knows what's cool these days. Darling photos.

  2. Kara is right. Ollie knows. So hip. Haha. I love these. Especially the third one. So, so cute. Give him a kiss for me.

  3. Oh my...he is adorable!!! You make such a sweet family.
    Thank you so much for leaving me a comment the other happy to have found you. Enjoy that little one. xox

  4. I see a smile in his eyes in the second and third ones. ;) And his blue eyes in that blue shirt-gorgeous. Just like his grandpa's!
