Monday, October 1, 2012

Baby's First Piggy Bank

Before Ollie was born, Aunt Kaybe gave us a Husker piggy bank and joked about sending money for every football win and then having to take money out for every loss. Well, Kaybe has made good on her suggestion! Today when we got the mail, there was a card addressed to Oliver and inside it was three whole dollars for the three wins (Saturday's win hadn't happened yet when Kaybe mailed the card) Nebraska's had. 
I read the card to Oliver and let him hold his bank with the $3 in it. How exciting!

Putting the money in the bank... Pretty good for not even 6 months old

Examining the anatomy of a the piggy bank... 

Sorry the photos are blurry. Ollie kept moving around. :) 

Thanks for the making good on your word, KB! Can't wait to see how much moolah Ollie will score if Nebraska wins a Big 10 Championship or maybe some sweet day, a National Championship! 


  1. Ollie the high roller! Haha. I love it. Kaybee has all the best plans.

  2. Goodness what a beautiful family you are! I've just had a good catch up and your professional photos are wonderful. So glad you're enjoying your little man - and it just gets better and better doesn't it!? My little sister is cooking a little brother or sister for Mabel, due any week now...I cant't wait!
    Lovely to hear from you
    fee x

  3. that is the cutest! Ollie is so beyond his years!
