I can't believe it, but our little munchkin turned six months old this week!
It's only fitting then, that he would experience his first flight around this milestone. We had a fantastic time celebrating Ben and Pete and Grandpa Epperson's birthdays and Ollie only cried for a moment when we first boarded the plane and then slept like a champ until we landed both in Omaha and on the way back to Denver.
The Ollie Stats per his 6 month check-up:
Weight: 12 lbs, 5oz (pretty small for a guy his age, but still growing like he should)
Length: 26.5" long (he was 19" long at birth - that's 7.5" in length in 6 months!)
Head: His little noggin is 16" in diameter - right on track.
And we got the go ahead to start introducing solids! We're going to skip rice cereal (there's very little nutritional value in that stuff) and head right for the fruits and veggies. Lots of messy food pics to come!
Yay for messy foods! Go Oliver!