Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Starting Solids

We started introducing solids to the little guy a couple of weeks ago. He's loving the process and seems to be open to noshing on pretty much everything. So far, he's tried broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, avocado, butternut squash, celery, zucchini, spinach, carrot soup, green smoothie, apples, pears, banana, chicken and a little beef.
Our friends told us about a weaning method called Baby Led Weaning. In addition to nursing, we are offering solid foods that Ollie picks up, gums, sucks and experiences at his own pace. You can read more about it on the link up above, if you're interested. The couple who first told us about this method did it with their daughter and at just over a year, she was using a fork and spoon on her own, isn't picky in the least and is a fantastic little eater. We are hoping for similar results with Oliver. 
Celery is a good veg to give straight up because it feels nice on his gums and has a bitter taste so it helps him develop a taste for veggies. 

The little chair he's sitting in screws right into the table, We are bypassing the high chair too which allows him to sit right at the table with us and eat while we're eating as opposed to eating baby food in a high chair in the kitchen while I make dinner. This scenario seems to happen a lot with traditional weaning methods - or so it seems. We propped a little pillow behind him to help keep him upright and so far so good. 
Ollie loves sitting in his chair. Sometimes he doesn't seem too interested in the food but would rather suck on the handles of his chair - which is totally cool with us since his main source of food still comes from nursing. I'd much rather eat an avocado, personally, but whatever floats your boat.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Ollie! I'm so proud of him. Way to start him out right. He's a little champ! xoxo
